Mindfulness Information
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting ones’ feeling, thought, and bodily sensations” (Oxford Dictionaries).
How does it apply to Nutrition?
Mindfulness can be practiced in many different ways with food.
“Mindful eating is about awareness. When you eat mindfully, you slow down, pay attention to the food you’re eating, and savor every bite.” – Susan Albers
Increasing awareness of food taste, intake, hunger, and emotions before and after eating can help reach your nutrition goals. Additionally, mindfulness can help in other area of life; including relationships and cognition.
The weekly practice of food based mindfulness as a way to introduction the concept of mindfulness generally, in the hopes that this practice will trickle out and have a positive impact in other areas of your life, other than nutrition.
Increase awareness of how you feel before and after eating (physically and mentally)
Become mindful of motivations surrounding food intake
Raise awareness of cravings and when these come up
Learn to pause and slow down
Connect with your food
Eat slowly and chew thoroughly, savoring every bit
Not only is this a practice of mindfulness, it also gives the body time to register hunger and fullness signal from the brain
Honor the food – where it was grown, who prepared it
Eat while present – without distraction
Connect – with the food and others sharing in the meal
When you get a craving, pause, consider why you are having the craving and then decide how to proceed with this knowledge
Guided Meditation Videos
Below are five guided meditation videos for you to explore and use at your leisure. These videos include relaxing sounds to go along with the guided meditations tailored for mindful eating.
*Guided Meditation for Food Cravings from Live Sonima
*A Mindful Eating Script from Christine Milovani at the VHA Office of Patient-Centered Care & *Cultural Transformation
*Raisin Meditation – Dave Potter
Guided Body Scan
This will allow you to become reacquainted with your body and its signals you are comfortable with listening to them
Savory Food Meditation
While eating an orange, notice all the 5 senses
Follow the Breath
Breath in through the noise on a count of four, pause for three, and out through your mouth on a count of four
Follow the movement of a candle
Observe your belly raising and falling
Towards your food and the nourishment it brings your body
Engage in a 2 minute meditation before and after you eat to notice the physical and emotional sensations
Information Handouts:
Get to Know Your Hunger and Fullness
Includes a hunger and fullness scale
As yourself “on a scale of 1-10, how hungry am I?”
“Mindful Eating Quiz”
“5-5-5-5-5 Exercise”
“5 Ways to Respond to Food Pushers”
“Mindful Eaters… 10 Habits”
“Mindful Eating Cycle” (May, 2018)
“Mindful Meal Challenge” 5-days of mindful eating (Dr. Darya Rose)
Apps: “Am I Hungry” and “In the Moment”