Week 10
Dining Out on the Med Diet
Finally, we are going out on the town! Eating out is a part of social life and should not evoke nervousness when it comes to food. With a little planning and some added mindfulness, eating out can be a fun and healthful experience. We often get questions about how to navigate the bread basket. If we want to have a slice of bread at the table, that is perfectly fine but if we have a tendency to over-portion we should consider a high protein snack 1-2 hours before we go. KIND bars or fruit with a low-fat cheese stick are two examples. That way, we feel hungry, but are not famished when getting seated at the table. This may also help our pace of eating. With that being said, check out the tips below as you navigate your way to the video.
Food Tip: Know before you go - consider reading the menu before you go to the restaurant
Fit Tip: Go for a walk after dinner this week (great for anyone with acid reflux or diabetes!)