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Week 7

Whole Grains, Fiber, and Refined Carbohydrates

Not all carbohydrates are created equal as we have complex (containing fiber) and non-complex or refined carbohydrates. Complex carbs include fruits, vegetables, whole grains,& beans/legumes. Refined carbohydrates include white bread, white rice, sugar sweetened beverages, sweets/candies, and pastries. Aim to make the majority of your carbohydrates complex.

Food Tip: Aim to make at least half of your grains whole grains. Hint - look for the word "whole" before the first comma in the ingredients list when looking for whole grains. 

Fit Tip: Screen time directly competes with physical activity. To minimize screen time keep options like going for a walk and listening to music, stretching, calling a friend, or learning a new tik tok dance in mind!

Varieties of Grain

Video 8: Whole Grains Fiber & Refined Carbs

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Week 8 Education Materials

What is Fiber?

Identifying Whole Grain Products 

Chickpea vs. Refined Grain vs. Whole Grain Pasta

Fiber Sources

Fantastic Fiber Swaps

Glycemic Index

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